



Pupils may be admitted to State Primary schools on, or after, their fifth birthday but must be enrolled by the time they turn 6. Starting school is a memorable experience for both parents and child.

This link to the page on the Ministry of Education's website regarding enrolling and starting your child at school

We want children to be happy; to live their lives fully as children; to learn to read, write and compute, as well as developing other skills that would help them become self sufficient, self disciplined and responsible; to be vitally interested and involved in the world around them; to show tolerance and understanding of other people. In general, we are all concerned with the total development of children in their physical, social, intellectual and emotional growth.

Enrolling your child at Henley School does not mean that the responsibility for educating your child has been taken over by the school.

You as a concerned parent, have been carrying out an important task during their early years, providing the base for continuing educational growth.  As a parent you want to secure the best for your child from the school. So do the teachers as part of their professional responsibilities.

This mutual interest places parents and teachers in a partnership - the home and the school working together. We look forward to meeting you, talking with you, and welcoming your child into our school.

If you are interested in enrolling your pre school child at Henley School we can place their name on a pre-enrolment list. Having your pre school child's name on this list ensures that approximately six weeks before them turning five, you will receive a phone call from Carolyn Wright, Acting Deputy Principal. This phone call will be to confirm your child is intending to start at Henley School, when they will start, who their teacher will be and when the transition to school visits will begin. It is also an opportunity for you to ask questions about the school or transition process and to share information about your child. Following this, the classroom teacher will contact you and you'll receive a letter with a schedule of dates and times for your child's transition to school visits. On your last visit to the school with your child you will be asked to complete the formal enrolment forms and pay for their stationery pack. At this time you will be asked to provide your child's Birth Certificate (or passport) and Immunisation Certificate for the school to copy. 


It is important that your child develops a positive attitude about school. It is a place where he or she will make friends and enjoy a variety of learning activities.

We endeavour to make the child's introduction to school life at Henley a happy and memorable one, but if there is a problem, please do not hesitate to talk about it with the class teacher.

Parents of children about to turn five years of age will be invited to visit, with their child, the classroom they will first attend. These visits will be on the four Tuesday mornings prior to their 5th birthday. The first three visits will be from 9.00 - 10.30am.  The final visit will be from 9.00 - 12.45pm which includes 15 minutes of lunchtime so you can learn the lunch eating routines together. If you are unable to come at any of the above times, please contact the school office and a suitable time will be arranged.

The classroom visits by both parent(s) and child will afford an opportunity for the family to meet the teacher and become familiar with the classroom and school environment.  Forms including those needed for enrolment procedures will be issued by Carolyn Wright, Acting Deputy Principal on the last pre-enrolment visit and an opportunity will be available to meet with the Principal.

On enrolment we may require proof that your address is within the Henley School Zone. The School Zone may be viewed by clicking here.


Enquiries received from parents of children transferring from another school will be directed to the leader of the Syndicate their child will be in. An appointment can be made  with this person who can then answer further queries,  enrol the child and place them in the most appropriate classroom available to suit their needs.

Parents will be required to complete an enrolment form and are also legally required to provide evidence of their child's immunisation status. Please note that the Immunisation Certificate required by the school is a Certificate which is signed by your family doctor certifying that your child has been immunised to five years old, we cannot use the schedule of immunisations that your doctor completes following each individual immunisation.

If you would like your child's name placed on the pre-enrolment list please complete the form below.